Sales Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1.    Delivery

Ware Heating and Bathroom Supplies Limited ('WHABS') shall use its best endeavours to comply with the delivery date specified save that: 

(a)  Unless separately agreed in writing, time shall not be of the essence of this contract;


(b)  Should delivery of the goods described and quantified ("the goods") in whole or in part be delayed or prevented beyond the said delivery date by reason of statue, rules, regulations, orders directives or requisitions issued by any Government or EEC department or council or other duly constituted authority; Government intervention, war, strikes, lock-outs, political or labour disturbances or disputes, rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion, fire, flood, stress of weather, Act of God, break­ down or defect affecting plant machinery or Vehicles or other mode of transport, or any other causes (whether or not of like kind to those before mentioned) beyond WHABS' control; WHABS shall not be liable for delivery being delayed or prevented as aforesaid.

2.    Defects

In the event of any article supplied proving defective in material or workmanship, WHABS undertake, at its option, to replace or repair such articles free of charge, which shall be the limit of WHABS' liability, provided that the complaint is made within 48 hours from the date of delivery as shown on the delivery note. WHABS shall be under no liability whatsoever for the cost of removing or refixing, or any other consequential loss or damage, direct or indirect, of whatsoever nature. The purchaser can only claim any warranty or guarantee WHABS may have from the manufacturers.

3.    Terms

All orders must be paid for before or on delivery, excepting those customers who have approved ledger accounts. Ledger accounts are to be paid for by the end of the month following delivery of the goods, unless other settlement terms are arranged.

4.    Risk and Property

All goods shall be at the customer's sole risk from the time of collection at WHABS' premises or, if delivered by WHABS or on WHABS' behalf, from the time of such delivery to the address specified in the contract.

The property of all the goods shall remain with WHABS until WHABS have received payment in full for the same. Without prejudice to any rights which WHABS may have or may arise under the contact or otherwise, WHABS shall be entitled to terminate the contract and/or re-possess the goods without prejudice.

Notice to the customer at any time before payment in full has been received and whether or not payment has become due or any credit allowed has expired. At all reasonable times, access shall be afforded to WHABS' representatives to any premises where goods shall be situate, for the purpose of re-possessing such goods and all reasonable assistance shall be rendered in removing the same. Notwithstanding the above, the customer may, until WHABS give notice to the contrary, use sell or otherwise deal with the goods in the normal course of his business, provided that, in accordance with the normal fiduciary of the agent to his principal, the customer must forthwith account to WHABS from any sums received in respect of such dealing for an amount equal to all sums outstanding hereunder.

5.    Inspection by Customer

The customer shall inspect the goods immediately upon delivery and shall within 48 hours from such delivery give notice in writing to WHABS of any matter whatsoever by reason whereof it is alleged or considered that the goods are not in accordance with the contract, as evidenced by the delivery note, either in description or quantity or otherwise. 

6.    Cancellation Charges                  


Stock Products

Non Stock Products

Prior to delivery

No charge

Minimum 25%

After delivery in original wrapping

Minimum 25% admin charge

Minimum 25%

After delivery opened packaging

Not cancellable

Not cancellable

Special orders are non-returnable

All items returned due to “change of mind” must be pristine and in the original packaging.

The customer will be bound to pay interest at 4% above National Westminster Bank PLC base rate applicable from time to time in respect of any and all debts which have become due and payable in accordance with clauses 3 hereof, yet which remain unpaid. Such interest thereon has been made.

8.    Customers’ orders

Unless separately agreed in writing, the terms and conditions of customer’s orders shall be binding insofar as such terms and conditions do not conflict with or otherwise vary or amend the terms and conditions contained herein.


If you have any questions regarding our Sales Terms and Conditions, please contact